C3: C-Three
C3: Wide Open

C3 is Doug Curry, Chuck Morrill, and Chad Morrill.
Doug comes from a family enriched with music. He began performing with his family at the age of six. He surrendered to the ministry at the age of eighteen. Through the years, he has been a member of a number of gospel and contemporary Christian groups, and has been involved in various studio recordings.
Chuck came to know Jesus as his Savior at the young age of five. His decisioni to follow God's calling to serve the Lord with his voice was made at the age of eleven. Heeding his childhood decisions, Chuck has continued faithfully to sing God's praises at every opportunity.
Chad, influenced as well by a strong Christian home environment, accepted the Lord at the age of twelve. Within two years of that decision, it became clear that Chad was to use his vocal abilities to minister the gospel to others. He joined his brother, Chuck, in writing and performing Christian music.