JUSTIN TODD HEROD This gentle, loving, soft-hearted family man has not always had a humble beginning. At age twelve, young Justin saw himself one day filling the shoes of some of his childhood country music idols. That dream would almost cost Justin Todd Herod his life. While most kids Justin's age were playing football and baseball, or going on dates, young Justin began pursuing his dream in country music in the dark, smoke-filled beer joints and honky-tanks of East Texas. That type of environment made a crucial impact on most of his life. In 1994, Justin became a member of a successful up and coming band, and for the first time in his life realized the dream he had long waited for might soon become a reality. With his dream drawing closer each day, he began to see the cost it was taking on his life. The drinking, drugs, women, and road to success just couldn't seem to fill the void inside of him that longed to be filled. Fortunately, down every road there is a place to turn around. Just like the prodigal son, Justin came home to another part of his childhood past. A place where a praying mother and a little country church led an eight year old boy to give his heart and his talents to glorify God. Now at the age of 30, and his life falling apart, Justin called upon the Lord and came home. Since the fall of 1996, he has committed his life to share the gospel with the same country sound, but with the message of God's amazing grace. Since the beginning of 1997, Justin has had over 100 songs published; recorded in Nashville, Louisiana, and Texas; appeared on numerous television and radio programs; written and recorded 2 albums; and toured 30 different states. Childhood dreams still come true, but only by the grace of God. Consequently, his first offering to radio is the song "Raising Heaven" which shares his testimony as a honky-tonk hell-raiser whose life was changed through Jesus Christ. |